For Immediate Release
Date: May 28, 2020


Communications Director
6032712121 |

State of New Hampshire Phases Out Most Clinical Surge Flex Facilities

Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu, Health and Human Services Commissioner Lori Shibinette and Adjutant General David Mikoliaties announced the state plans to break down most clinical surge flex facilities across New Hampshire starting next week.
The State plans to keep four facilities operationalized in Manchester, Plymouth, Durham, and Littleton. The National Guard will help hospitals, towns, and the Department of Health and Human Services pack up the locations.
“My job is to plan for the worst and hope for the best, and when we stood these surge sites up our hope was to never have to turn the lights on,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Today’s announcement is welcome news for the state’s response to COVID19 and I would like to thank the National Guard and our local partners for their hard work in setting this network up.”
“Our hospitals have successfully created surge space within their existing facilities should the demand for beds exceed the capacity in their facilities,” said Commissioner Shibinette. “We have ensured we have the ability to re-open four of the flexible surge sites within 48 hours if the need arises. However, the COVID-19 response in New Hampshire requires us to further prioritize resources on supporting the residents and staff in long-term care facilities, where the need is greatest. We want to thank the National Guard, hospitals and local officials for their rapid response in setting up these sites in order to serve our residents.”

“Working with community leaders and state and local health care professionals, we fielded 14 flex sites in 14 days,” said NH Adjutant Gen. David Mikolaities. “It was truly a remarkable cooperative effort that thankfully ended up being a case of ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. If the need arises again, our citizen soldiers and airmen will be ready at a moment’s notice.”