For Immediate Release
Posted: September 25, 2020


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Prohibition on the Kindling of any Open Fire & Smoking in or near Woodlands

Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued a proclamation prohibiting kindling of any open fire and smoking in or near woodlands throughout all 10 New Hampshire counties. Due to the drought conditions, low water levels in many communities, and an increasing potential for wildfires, there is great concern that wildfires could unexpectedly and rapidly increase thereby endangering life and property.

Effective immediately, the following are prohibited:  

  • kindling of open fire, including fires built for camping, the burning of debris, or warming, on all public trails or other public property, excluding campgrounds
  • kindling of category 3 “campfires;” a fire greater than 4 feet in diameter or a fire not contained within a ring of fire resistive material smoking a pipe, cigar and/or cigarette outdoors in or near public woodlands or on public trails
  • kindling of category 1 & 2 “campfires;” not contained within a ring of fire restrictive material or in a portable fire place.

Governor Sununu has authorized the Division of Forests and Lands to enforce the prohibition.

The Division of Forests and Lands and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management will provide information and updates to the Governor and public regarding forest conditions.

A copy of Governor Sununu’s proclamation can be found here.