For Immediate Release
Date: March 18, 2021


Communications Director
6032712121 |

NH Veterans Home Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) Report Released

Concord, NH – Following Governor Chris Sununu’s call for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services to assess the operations and infection control practices at the New Hampshire Veterans Home, the assessment conducted by the NH DHHS Health Care Associated Infections Program and Congregate Settings Unit was released today.
The assessment was conducted utilizing the CDC Nursing Home COVID-19 Infection Control Assessment and Response Tool Facilitator Guide and followed CDC protocols to fully investigate the nursing home’s practices.
The report affirms:

  • Testing supplies were not an issue and overall testing was conducted appropriately with minimal delay
  • N95 masks supply was not an issue
  • The Veterans Home had a dedicated COVID-19 unit with dedicated staff and equipment
  • The Veterans Home followed correct screening procedures

The report notes:

  • The Veterans Home was not immune from the nationwide gown shortage, and staff followed appropriate protocols to minimize contamination risk
  • While there is adequate supply of PPE, additional training is recommended to better train staff on how to properly utilize the PPE and to empower fellow employees to do so as well

A copy of the Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) Report can be found here.
A copy of the COVID-19 Infection Control Assessment Response (ICAR) Summary can be found here.
A copy of a letter from Andria Scacheri, HAI Prevention Specialist, to the New Hampshire Veterans Home can be found here.