For Immediate Release
Date: November 17, 2020


Communications Director
6032712121 |

New Hampshire Ranks #1 State for Economic Freedom For Second Year In a Row

Concord, NH - Today, following the release of the Fraser Institute's 2020 Economic Freedom Report which ranks New Hampshire as the number one state for economic freedom, the only state in New England to receive a top-ten ranking, Governor Sununu issued the following statement:

"New Hampshire has led the nation in streamlining government regulation to allow job-creators the opportunity to grow and expand," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Our pro-jobs, pro-growth economic agenda is paying off for New Hampshire families, allowing them the freedom to spend their money as they see fit. The release of this study reaffirms that New Hampshire remains the best state in the nation to live, work, and raise a family - and we're just getting started."

NOTE: The Fraser Institute's report measures “the extent to which - in 2018, the year with the most recent available comprehensive data—the policies of individual provinces and states were supportive of economic freedom, the ability of individuals to act in the economic sphere free of undue restrictions.”

A copy of the report can be found here.