For Immediate Release
Date: August 16, 2019


Communications Director
6032712121 |

New Hampshire the Fastest Growing State in the Northeast for Private Sector Job Growth

Concord, NH - New Hampshire the Fastest Growing State in the Northeast for Private Sector Job Growth

Today, following the release of employment figures by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which show New Hampshire as the fastest growing state in the Northeast for private sector job growth, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement:

"Companies are flocking to New Hampshire left and right as a result of our low taxes and business-friendly environment," said Governor Chris Sununu. "This news comes on the heels of the July jobs report, which shows that more Granite Staters are working than ever before in New Hampshire history. As our economy continues to boom, we must continue to foster an economy that welcomes and encourages job-creation. To pass a budget that increases taxes by 12.5% on New Hampshire's job creators would have exactly the opposite effect and would put a damper on our private sector job growth."

Companies are flocking to New Hampshire left and right as a result of our low taxes and business-friendly environment