For Immediate Release
Date: October 16, 2018


Communications Director
6032712121 |

New Hampshire Continues To Work

Concord, NH - Today, following the news that the number employed Granite Staters grew by 1,430 in September and that now 741,480 New Hampshire residents are employed in the Granite State - the most in New Hampshire history - Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement:

"Today, more people are working than at any other point in our state's history, and that's no accident," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Our pro-growth agenda of cutting business taxes and increasing opportunity continues to deliver results for the people of New Hampshire. I look forward to continuing our work to again be the jobs engine of New England and the next round of business tax relief in January. We are all about the economy, and it continues to work."

New Hampshire's Current Employment Numbers