For Immediate Release
Date: August 20, 2020


Communications Director
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LEACT Issues Second Report Focusing on Relations Between Law Enforcement and Communities

Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu released the second report from the New Hampshire Commission on Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency (LEACT). This is the second report from LEACT, and focuses on the current state of relations between law enforcement and the communities they serve including recommendations from the Commission regarding reforms and improvements in this area.

“I would like to thank members of the Commission for their continuous work in this important mission,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “As we dig in to this report, it is important to examine each and every one of the recommendations to see how they could be implemented and the feasibility of their enactment. I have tasked Major John Marasco at the Department of Safety to track the progress of these recommendations to see what additional steps or resources may be needed for implementation."

The LEACT is working on a third report focusing on reporting and investigating police misconduct.

Note: A copy of the report can be found here.