For Immediate Release
Posted: November 14, 2019


Communications Director
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Governor Sununu Welcomes Corporation for National and Community Service Regional Office to New Hampshire, Accepts Community Pillar Award

Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement after welcoming the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Northeast Regional Office, which oversees the AmeriCorp and Senior Corp programs, to Concord, New Hampshire, after relocating from Boston, Massachusetts:

"Giving back to your local community and a deep sense of service are an essential part of what it means to be a Granite Stater," said Governor Chris Sununu. "The Corporation for National and Community Service plays a vital role in providing our youth with the opportunity to turn their compassion into action and engage our community in meaningful ways - whether that be combating the opioid crisis, or helping students graduate, or preserving our public lands. There's no better home for the Corporation for National and Community Service than here in New Hampshire and I am thrilled to welcome them to the Granite State."

The CNCS Northeast regional office serves seven states in the region, including: New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The office houses fifteen regional staffers and was previously located in Boston, Massachusetts.

On Wednesday, November 13, 2019, Governor Chris Sununu and First Lady Valerie Sununu were awarded the Community Pillar Award by Volunteer New Hampshire, which is presented to outstanding community members who have devoted themselves to the betterment of New Hampshire's residents and are advocates of civic engagement.

"Valerie and I are incredibly humbled and honored to have received Volunteer New Hampshire's Community Pillar Award," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Like so many other Granite Staters, we take great pride in our community. The credit for this award belongs to Valerie, though, who continually impresses upon those she meets the value and importance of community service and civic participation."