For Immediate Release
Date: April 15, 2020


Communications Director
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Governor Sununu Announces GOFERR Stakeholder Advisory Board, First Meeting Scheduled

Concord, NH – Today, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-06, Governor Chris Sununu announced the creation of the Stakeholder Advisory Board to provide the Governor's Office for Emergency Relief and Recovery (GOFERR) with key insight on the needs across New Hampshire communities and private industries, and to provide recommendations on relief efforts.

"The creation of the Stakeholder Advisory Board brings together community and industry leaders from across the Granite State to provide key input on COVID-19 relief efforts," said Governor Chris Sununu. "This advisory board will serve to add yet another layer of transparency to the distribution of federal relief aid and input into the process, ensuring as much accountability, transparency, and integrity as possible."

INITIAL members of the GOFERR Stakeholder Advisory Board include:

  • Bill Ardinger, Attorney, Rath, Young & Pignatelli
  • Dean Christon, Executive Director, NH Housing Finance Authority
  • im Jalbert, C&J Trailways
  • Al Letizio, Wholesale Food Industry
  • Donnalee Lozeau, CEO, Southern NH Community Action Program (CAP), former Mayor of Nashua
  • Scott Mason, Owner/Farmer, Northwind Farms
  • Michelle McEwen, President & CEO, Speare Memorial Hospital of Plymouth
  • Nancy Merrill, Director of Planning & Development, City of Claremont
  • Ben Wilcox, President and General Manager, Cranmore Mountain Resort

The first preliminary advisory board meeting is scheduled to hold its first remote meeting tomorrow, April 16, at 1:00 PM. Additional members from various industries will likely be added.

Thursday, April 16
1:00 PM
Remote meeting of the GOFERR Stakeholder Advisory Board
Call-in: 800-356-8278
PIN: 125563

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:2, this meeting is open to the public.