For Immediate Release
Date: July 28, 2023


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu Vetoes SB 42

Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu vetoed SB 42, relative to overpayment of unemployment compensation.

"Giving people an interest free loan from the unemployment fund when someone has manipulated the system in order to get benefits they were not eligible for, should not be something we are doing," said New Hampshire Employment Security Commissioner George Copadis. "We thank the Governor for preventing this bill from becoming law. We should be discouraging this type of behavior and not be suggesting it is inconsequential. Employers fund this system with the expectation the department pays benefits to those that are eligible."

"We appreciate the Governor recognizing the problems this bill would create," said Deputy Commissioner Richard Lavers. " I think most people understand that you should not be providing inaccurate information in order to manipulate a government program. When you get caught, being required to repay the benefits you received together with interest is reasonable. Current state law already requires the department to determine whether someone is at fault in causing benefits to be paid when they are later found to be ineligible. If you are not at fault then you don't have to pay anything back. That is how it should be. We should be encouraging people to be honest and truthful with the department."

Note: A copy of the Governor's veto message can be read here.