For Immediate Release
Date: July 10, 2020


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Vetoes the Democrats' Income Tax

Concord, NH — Today, Governor Chris Sununu vetoed HB 712, the Democrats' income tax.

"For the second time in as many years, the Democrats have put this legislation, which would establish a state income tax, on my desk," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Proponents have dug deep into their thesauruses to engage in linguistic gymnastics to characterize the income tax contained in this program as something other than what everyone clearly recognizes it to be. Whether one chooses to characterize it as a "premium on wages" or a "payroll deduction," the reality remains that if it looks like an income tax, functions like an income tax, and takes more money out of the paychecks of hard working taxpayers like an income tax, then it is an income tax."