For Immediate Release
Date: January 17, 2018


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Swears-In Will Arvelo as New Hampshire's Director of Economic Development

Concord, NH -Today, Governor Chris Sununu presided over Director Will Arvelo's official swearing-in. Governor Sununu, Director Arvelo, and Commissioner Taylor Caswell issued the following statements:

"I am incredibly proud to swear in Will Arvelo to serve as New Hampshire's next Director of Economic Development," said Governor Chris Sununu." From his steadfast leadership at Great Bay Community College to his impressive community resume, Will's enthusiasm and passion for the Granite State is evident. I look forward to working closely with Director Arvelo and Commissioner Taylor Caswell in the years ahead as we continue to ensure that New Hampshire remains the best place to live, work, and raise a family."

"I become the director of the Division of Economic Development at a very exciting time for New Hampshire – our economy is strong and the climate is favorable for business growth and expansion" said Director Arvelo. "I am excited to be at the forefront of this trajectory and look forward to the work ahead to make sure New Hampshire continues to be an attractive place for business, innovation, technology and outstanding quality of life."

"I am very excited to have Will joining our team at the new BEA," said Commissioner Caswell." Our economy demands that we be able to meet the workforce demands of our employer community, and Will's experience fits perfectly into those strategies."

Governor Chris Sununu and  Will Arvelo