For Immediate Release
Date: May 04, 2017


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu Statements on SB 9, SB 131, and SB 38

Concord, NH – Following the New Hampshire House’s actions to pass SB 9, SB 131, and SB 38, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statements

SB 9, relative to the admissibility of proffered evidence in sexual assault cases:

The important action taken by the House today ensures the protections provided by New Hampshires rape shield statute are not ambiguous. Further, it prevents another family from having to go through the painful and lengthy legal battle the Marriott family had to undertake to protect their daughters privacy. I thank the leadership of the House and Senate and eagerly await this legislation to reach my desk.

SB 131, establishing a cross border drug interdiction program and making an appropriation therefor:

This interdiction legislation will lead to safer communities, safer roads and, hopefully, provide a pathway to treatment and recovery for those who in need. I look forward to signing this legislation.

SB 38, making an appropriation to the department of transportation for local highway aid and aid for municipal bridges:

As I stated in my budget address, for years we have heard how the state cannot control local property taxes, but what we can do is use infrastructure grants to give our towns more financial flexibility and target key areas of need to our communities. The legislation passed today is a critical step forward in delivering for the taxpayers of our state.