For Immediate Release
Date: January 03, 2018


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu Statements on SB 247, HB 485

Concord, NH - Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statements on SB 247 and HB 485:

SB 247, Preventing childhood lead poisoning from paint and water and making an appropriation to a special fund:

"New Hampshire has one of the oldest housing stocks in the nation, which puts us all at a heightened risk of lead poisoning," said Governor Chris Sununu. "SB 247 will allow every child in New Hampshire proper and prompt access to lead testing. Every family, regardless of their means, should have the opportunity to make sure their children are as healthy as possible. I applaud the House for passing this bipartisan, commonsense legislation today, and it is my hope that the Senate will work with the House to get this measure on my desk."

HB 485, Relative to standards for emerging contaminants in drinking water:

"We put no greater trust in our government than when we turn on our faucet expecting clean water," said Governor Chris Sununu. "To permit a private or industrial actor to knowingly pollute our groundwater is unacceptable, and I do not believe in passing the buck to our children and grandchildren. My administration is committed to ensuring Granite Staters have access to clean water. I applaud Representative Ober for her work to keep dangerous chemicals out of our drinking water. When this bill reaches my desk, I look forward to signing it on behalf of the people of New Hampshire."