For Immediate Release
Date: September 27, 2017


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Statement on the President’s Tax Reform Plan

Concord, NH – "The President’s tax plan overhauls a severely broken tax code in three critical ways that improves the lives of Granite Staters. First, it provides tax breaks to our hard-working residents, which keeps more of our own money in our pockets, allowing us to make the decision about where to spend it, not the government. In addition to finally eliminating the death tax, this plan retains tax benefits that encourage work, higher education, retirement security and stops corporations from shipping jobs and capital overseas. Secondly, it makes our nation much more competitive, by lowering the highest business tax rate in the developed world, something that we have shown, right here in New Hampshire, that creates new jobs and higher wages. As I have said before, small business is the backbone of New Hampshire’s economy and they need a tax cut to better compete and grow. Finally, by simplifying the tax code, this plan makes it easier for taxpayers to comply with, and more importantly, makes it fairer by eliminating loopholes and carve-outs that destroy trust in our tax code. This is a plan that works for New Hampshire."