For Immediate Release
Date: July 13, 2018


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu Signs HB 1264 Into Law

Concord, NH – Following yesterday's opinion by the New Hampshire Supreme Court finding HB 1264 constitutional, Governor Chris Sununu issued the following statement:

"I have expressed serious concerns regarding HB 1264's constitutionality from the very beginning. Following its passage, I requested an advisory opinion from the state's Supreme Court to put this issue to rest once and for all. And the Executive Council agreed.

"House Bill 1264 restores equality and fairness to our elections, and the Supreme Court has ruled the bill is constitutional while affirming that New Hampshire has a compelling state interest in seeing this bill enacted. Finally, every person who votes in New Hampshire will be treated the same. This is the essence of an equal right to vote.

"For this reason, and pursuant to my duty to uphold the provisions of our State Constitution, I signed House Bill 1264 into law."