For Immediate Release
Date: July 06, 2023


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Discriminatory Boycotts of Israel in State Procurement and Investments

Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu signed Executive Order 2023-05, Prohibiting Discriminatory Boycotts of Israel in State Procurement and Investments.

"New Hampshire and Israel have experienced decades of successful exchange of commerce, culture, technology, & tourism," said Governor Chris Sununu. "New Hampshire will not tolerate anti-semitism, and we are taking significant steps at the state level to prohibit discriminatory boycotts of Israel in state procurement and investments. Today I joined Israel Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan and Consul General of Israel to New England Meron Reuben to sign an Executive Order prohibiting the Executive Branch in NH of doing business with any company that supports discriminatory BDS laws."

"I have come here today to express gratitude to the state of New Hampshire on behalf of the State of Israel and Jewish people," said Gilad Erdan, Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations. "By becoming the 37th state to reaffirm opposition to BDS, New Hampshire is helping not just to strengthen relations between Israel and the U.S., but is also creating an economic Iron Dome that will ensure our shared progress and prosperity while fortifying the moral Iron Dome protecting the basic notions of truth and justice."

"IAC For Action applauds Gov. Sununu for standing up against national origin discrimination and defending the deep cultural and commercial ties between Israel and New Hampshire." said IAC for Action Chairman Shawn Evenhaim. "This executive order protects the freedom and liberty of New Hampshire businesses from the coercion and bullying tactics of the BDS hate movement."

Note: A copy of the Executive Order can be read here.