For Immediate Release
Posted: January 21, 2020


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu to Nominate Chris Nicolopoulos as Next Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Insurance

Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu announced that he will nominate Chris Nicolopoulos of Bow, New Hampshire, to serve as the next Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Insurance. The nomination will take place at the January 22, 2020, Executive Council Meeting.

Chris Nicolopoulos currently serves as the President and CEO of the New Hampshire Association of Insurance Agents, where he has extensive experience working within New Hampshire’s Insurance industry. Chris is also currently serving as the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Personnel Appeals Board. Previously, he worked as an Associate at Preti, Falherty, Beliveau and Pachios PLLP, and as the Government Affairs Director at the New Hampshire Association of Realtors.

“I am excited to nominate Chris to serve as the next Commissioner of the Department of Insurance, where he will continue the important reforms to the Department that started under Commissioner Elias,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Chris will fight to preserve the individual market, work to lower insurance costs, and is going to get the job done for New Hampshire families.”

"I am honored and humbled to be nominated by Governor Sununu as the next Commissioner of the New Hampshire Insurance Department. My work as chair of the Bow Board of Selectmen, and with several other boards across the state, has instilled a deep commitment to public service within me. I am excited to continue the exemplary work of Commissioner Elias, whose tenure included a reorganization, modernization and streamlining of the department that has made it a model of efficiency. I look forward to the Executive Council's consideration."

Note: Following the nomination at the January 22 Executive Council meeting, a confirmation vote will likely take place at the February 5, 2020, Executive Council meeting.