For Immediate Release
Date: January 06, 2020


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu, Lawmakers Unveil Innovative Clean Energy Plan for 2020

Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu announced his support for three key bills that will expand access to clean energy, break down government barriers, and protect ratepayers from higher electric costs.

“These clean energy bills are a homerun for ratepayers and the environment,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “These bills would expand access to net metering, open new opportunities for clean energy development, and allow towns to better control their electric bills. Most of all, these bills protect ratepayers and remove government barriers instead of enacting new ones – something past clean energy-related legislation has not been able to accomplish. We are ushering in a new clean energy era in New Hampshire.”

The Governor’s office worked with Republican lawmakers to draft the legislation. These bills are sponsored by Representatives Howard Pearl (R-Merr 26), Tim Lang (R-Belk 4), Michael Costable (R-Rock 3), and John Plumer (R-Belk 6) who have been instrumental in crafting this package of clean energy legislation.

The bills are as follows:

  • HB1262, relative to the purchase of output of limited electrical energy producers
  • HB1402, establishing procedures for municipal host customer-generators of electrical energy
  • HB1481, relative to the net metering cap for customer-generators

“Conservatives have united behind Governor Sununu’s clean energy plan because it focuses on results rather than government handouts to special interests,” said Republican Policy Leader Representative Jason Osborne. “These bills are fair to everyone without picking winners and losers in the energy market.”

“After the Governor vetoed certain bills last session, he said he would roll up his sleeves to deliver new energy solutions – and he has,” said Representative Howard Pearl. “Since then, we have come to the table to craft better solutions for the people of New Hampshire. I hope my colleagues in the legislature will join this effort in a truly bipartisan fashion to advance renewable energy in the state.”

“These bills solve real challenges that renewable energy resources have been fighting for several years,” said Representative John Plumer. “I am excited to work with the Governor on this breakthrough that will help both existing renewable resources and promote responsible development of new resources too.”

“These bills represent a huge opportunity for New Hampshire,” said Representative Tim Lang. “With Governor Sununu’s leadership we have found creative ways to break the net metering deadlock and unleash more private investment in the state, all without adversely impacting ratepayers.”

“These bills break down government barriers that have limited the opportunities for renewable energy to compete on a level playing field and in a more open market,” said Representative Michael Costable.