For Immediate Release
Date: November 19, 2020


Communications Director
6032712121 |

Governor Chris Sununu Issues Statewide Mask Mandate

Concord, NH - With rising cases, substantial statewide community transmission, and an increase in hospitalizations, today Governor Chris Sununu signed an Emergency Order instituting a statewide mask mandate in New Hampshire, as cases rose to 529 -- the state’s highest total to date. The mask mandate takes effect at 12:01 AM on Friday, November 20, 2020, and will remain in effect through January 15, 2021.
“With rising cases,  substantial statewide community transmission, and an increase in hospitalizations – the data supports enacting a statewide mask mandate,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Instituting this commonsense mask mandate today will allow us to keep our economy open and help ensure our health care system has the capacity and workforce it needs in the coming weeks. By wearing a mask, Granite Staters can keep our friends, family, neighbors, and critical workforce members and those they care for safe – without shutting down the economy.”

Beginning on November 20, 2020, all persons over the age of 5 within the State of New Hampshire shall wear mask or cloth face coverings over their noses and mouths any time they are in public spaces, indoors or outdoors, where they are unable to or do not consistently maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from persons outside their own households.

For purposes of this Order, the term “public spaces” includes any part of private or public property that is generally open or accessible to members of the general public.  Public spaces include, but are not limited to, lobbies, waiting areas, outside plazas or patios, restaurants, retail businesses, streets, sidewalks, parks, beaches, elevators, restrooms, stairways, parking garages, etc.