For Immediate Release
Date: February 12, 2021


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Issues Emergency Order #84

Concord, NH – Yesterday, Governor Chris Sununu issued Emergency Order #84, an order rescinding Emergency Orders #37 and #77, lifting the State of New Hampshire's hiring freeze.

"As COVID first tore through the country in the spring of 2020 and we anticipated revenue shortfalls of up to 350 million dollars, I took action and called on Commissioners to institute cost-saving measures, including a hiring freeze," said Governor Chris Sununu. "Because of the strategic reopening of our economy and good management, our budget shortfall to end the biennium is now projected to be less than 50 million dollars. The lifting of this hiring freeze is yet another sign that our management paid off and our economy is on its way to returning to the historic highs of before this pandemic."

A copy of Executive Order #84 can be found here.