For Immediate Release
Date: October 08, 2021


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Establishes Revamped Juvenile Justice Reform Commission, Announces Membership

Concord, NH – Yesterday, Governor Chris Sununu signed Executive Order 2021-11, an order establishing the formation of the Juvenile Justice Reform Commission, an advisory group to update and replace the State Advisory Group for Juvenile Justice. In conjunction with the Executive Order, Governor Chris Sununu also announced the membership of the new, updated, and revamped commission.

“This new advisory commission will help revamp and retool our system,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “I would like to thank all new members for agreeing to serve the state in this incredibly important mission, and I have full confidence they will meet the challenges and opportunities facing the state as we create a juvenile justice system designed to meet the needs of the individuals, families, and communities in a safe, data driven, and evidence based manner.”

This revamped commission constitutes the state's advisory group as required under the Juvenile Justice and Prevention Act of 1974 as amended by the Juvenile Justice Reform Act of 2018.

All members listed below qualify to join the commission based on one or more of the qualifications required and laid out in 4a-4q of the Executive Order and bring a variety of experiences to the Commission.

Appointees of the Commission are as follows:

  • Cody Belanger
  • Lori Shibinette
  • Frank Edelblut
  • Bob Quinn
  • Michael Geha
  • Judge Susan Ashley
  • Pamela Jones
  • Gerard Quin
  • Steve Ranfos
  • Joe Ribsam
  • Patricia Clough
  • Geoff Wilson
  • Nicole Rodler
  • Richard Bergeron
  • Samantha Morin
  • Allyson Clary
  • Justyce Soucie
  • Haven Duffield
  • Mark Rolon
  • Joy Barrett

Note: Additional details on the Commission and the August 4, 2021 announcement of the formation of the new Commission can be read here.

Note: A copy of the Executive Order can be found here.

Note: Details about the first meeting will be announced at a later date.