For Immediate Release
Posted: November 27, 2019


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Consents to Initial Refugee Resettlement in New Hampshire

Concord, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu issued a notice of consent in response to Presidential Executive Order 13888 "On Enhancing state and Local Involvement in Resettlement," for an initial refugee resettlement in New Hampshire under the terms of Executive Order 13888.

"With this action, it is now up to each city's mayor whether they want to opt-in to accepting refugees," said Governor Chris Sununu. "We will work closely with area agencies to ensure those who are resettled in New Hampshire have the opportunity to become hardworking members of our local communities."

Executive Order 13888 states that refugees may only be resettled in "jurisdictions in which both the State and local governments have consented to receive refugees under the Department of State's Reception and Placement Program (Program)." Now that Governor Chris Sununu has consented to receiving refugee at the state level, local municipalities may opt-in to accepting refugees.