For Immediate Release
Date: November 25, 2020


Communications Director
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Governor Chris Sununu Announces Council on Housing Stability Members

Concord, NH — Today, Governor Chris Sununu announced the members of the newly established Council on Housing Stability, a revamped effort of the State’s Interagency Council on Homelessness.

This new council has been tasked with updating New Hampshire’s statewide homelessness plan, and addressing broader issues with housing affordability and stability. The council is charged with presenting a preliminary plan, which includes legislative recommendations for the 2021 legislative session, no later than December 14, 2020. The first meeting of the Council will be held on Friday, December 4, 2020 at 9:00 am.

  • Amanda Grady Sexton, Representative from the NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
  • Dean Christon, NH Housing Finance Authority
  • Elissa Margolin, Representative of Housing Action New Hampshire
  • Ann Landry, Designee, Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services
  • Helen Hanks, Commissioner, Department of Corrections
  • Melissa Hatfield, Bureau Chief of Bureau of Housing Supports
  • Katja Fox, Director of the Division of Behavioral Health Services or designee
  • Robert Mack, Representative of the Municipal Association
  • Dominique Rust, New Hampshire Catholic Charities, Representative of the faith based community
  • Eric Adams, Laconia Police Department, Representative from a law enforcement agency
  • Frank Edelblut, Commissioner, Department of Education
  • Robert Quinn, Commissioner, Department of Safety
  • Victoria Sheehan, Commissioner, Department of Transportation
  • Taylor Caswell, Commissioner, Department of Business & Economic Affairs
  • George Copadis, Commissioner, Department of Employment Security
  • David Mikolaities, Adjutant General, Department of Military and Veteran's Affairs
  • Katy Easterly Martey, Community Development Finance Authority
  • Chris Santaniello, Director of the Division of Economic & Housing Stability or designee
  • Joe Ribsam, Director of the Division of Children, Youth, and Families or designee
  • Martha Stone, Statewide Continuing of Care for Housing
  • Erin Kelly, Manchester Continuum of Care for Housing
  • Michael Reinke, Nashua Continuum of Care for Housing
  • Christina Dotson, Representative, Department of Education responsible for programs for children experiencing homelessness
  • Chris Schleyer, Representative, NH Landlord Association
  • Joshua Reap, Representative, NH Builder’s Association
  • Anne Duncan Cooley, Representative, County Economic Development Council
  • Sue Fulton, Representative, philanthropic community with expertise in housing instability
  • Sandeep Bikram Shah, Representative, philanthropic community with expertise in housing instability
  • Representative Will Infantine, Legislator, appointed by the Governor
  • Andru Volinsky, individual or representative of an organization or entity that the Governor deems appropriate to support the work of the Council
  • Stephanie Savard, NH Coalition to end homelessness
  • Carolyn McCarley, Mayor, Rochester
  • Jim Bouley, Mayor, Concord
  • George Hansel, Mayor, Keene
  • Mariah McKenney, parent who has current and/or recent lived experience with housing instability
  • Kadyja Harris, young adult who has current and/or recent lived experience with housing instability

The Council is still finalizing a few remaining slots, including two legislators appointed by the incoming Speaker of the House and incoming Senate President, as well as a representative of the Community Mental Health Association, a representative of the business community with an interest in affordable housing, a representatives of a local educational agency, and a representative of local providers of housing services.

Per Executive Order 2020-22, the Council shall be led by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Business and Economic Affairs, and the New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority.

Note: A copy of the Executive Order establishing this new council can be found here, and a letter detailing New Hampshire’s efforts at combatting homelessness to the state’s mayors can be found here.

Note: Remote access information for the first meeting of the Council will be released at a later date.