For Immediate Release
Date: December 15, 2020


Communications Director
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Council on Housing Stability Releases Initial Report and Action Plan

Concord, NH — Yesterday, the Council on Housing Stability sent Governor Chris Sununu their initial report and action plan, which was approved unanimously by the Council on Friday, December 11, 2020.

“I would like to thank all members of this critical council for their tremendous, fast-paced work these last two weeks,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “Their charge was not easy, but they produced an excellent foundation for the Legislature to work from and for the state to begin updating our statewide homelessness plan. The work is far from over, and there are plenty of action items within this report that the legislature should take up. I am hopeful they will work in a bipartisan manner to move these items forward so we can work to address housing stability in New Hampshire.”

After reviewing the report, Governor Sununu instructed teams within state agencies to move forward with all recommendations that can be taken immediately through executive action, including application for a federal waiver to support services to assist individuals and families in obtaining and maintaining housing by May 1, 2021.

From the report:

“This report and preliminary action plan provides the history and context needed to understand these housing challenges in NH. The document provides a set of short-term recommendations to address key priority areas including Planning and Regulation; Data Analytics and Integration; Housing Instability and Homelessness System; and Regional Leadership and Coordination. Finally, this initial report and action plan sets a foundation for long-term planning efforts by working groups over the next six-months leading to a comprehensive plan for housing stability.”

A copy of the report can be found here.