A Win for New Hampshire Families

October 24, 2019

On September 26, 2019, Governor Chris Sununu signed a fiscally-sound, bipartisan budget.

"This is a big win for New Hampshire families as we have held the line on taxes, returned cash to cities and towns, and provided historic investments to our education system," said Governor Chris Sununu. "This budget does not make financial promises that could not be kept, and is something the people of New Hampshire can be proud of."

Signing of the budget follows months of negotiations between the Governor and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate.

"At the end of the day, we all had to get what we needed and we all had to give up a little bit of what we wanted. I'm just very happy, not just that we got it done – it isn't a Republican budget, it is not a Democratic budget, it’s really a New Hampshire budget," said Governor Sununu.

The budget, signed at Franklin High School, returns nearly $180 million to cities and towns across the state in education and municipal aid.

The budget signed by the Governor delivers on several of his key commitments: ensuring that taxes remain at current levels through 2020, reducing the structural deficit by 75% - a total of $70 million – from the legislature’s proposed budget, increasing the Rainy Day Fund by $5 million, and investing $9 million in the University System to double the number of nurses.